LIFE Groups

As a church We value authentic community. We desire to be a fiercely loving and relational community, that longs to live authentically known, and deeply committed to one another. (Eph. 2:19-22, Heb. 10:24-25) One of the ways we foster this outside of the Sunday morning gathering is through Small groups. We meet in homes or at local coffee shops, as well as at our campus and virtually through Zoom. We gather like the early church (Acts 2:42) to spend time together in prayer, and breaking bread, in community while studying the Bible together.

Currently, We have the following small groups and bible Studies, and prayer meetings. We are fostering discipleship and community through the following avenues.


Prayer Meeting - meets virtually to pray for all the needs of the church Wednesdays @ 6:30pm. We also meet in person every first Wednesday of the month of the month at 6:30 pm at our campus location.

The virtual meeting happens via Zoom

Meeting ID: 408 603844 Passcode: 019918


Love Out Loud Women’s Ministry - small groups meet weekly at various locations for Bible study, fellowship and prayer. For more information reach out to Kristan Torres at


Mens Bible Study - In a world where men have been relegated to being the but of every joke. We believe in helping to train and empower men in discipleship, evangelism and community service. Encouraging and challenging every man to be the leader that God has called then to be, the lead restorers of Faith, Hope and Love in their lives, marriages and families and their communities.We meet every Monday Morning at 7am , and every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm. Both meetings follow the same study, so if you miss one you can go to the other and catch up. It’s a great time of being real with another and lifting each other up, in a world that tries to beat us down.


Wednesday Morning Community Group - We get together every Wednesday morning at 10am for a time of community and bible study and prayer at our Community fellowship hall at our campus location.


Redeemed Young Adults - meet every other Wednesday evening at 7pm. We are focusing on building community with each other as we navigate early adult hood. Reach out to Lance and Aliana for more information


Married Couples Monthly Gatherings - We meet monthly for a time for fellowship, fun, game nights and date nights as a group to strengthen and encourage our marriages. Contact - Claudia Rosario for more information at


The WAY youth group - For all middle and high school students, we meet every Wednesday for interactive bible study, games, and a fun time of hanging out in the Loft, their very own space. For more information Reach out to Dylan & Madision Farill at